Impress Your Guest With An Easy Gammon Glaze

Impress Your Guest With An Easy Gammon Glaze

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How to Wow Guests With A Simple Gammon Glaze

A gammon glaze is the secret ingredient that can elevate your ordinary gammon dish to an extraordinary culinary delight. In this blog post, we will break down the gammon glaze, explain the process of making it, and provide you with a simple and easy recipe that will leave your guests asking for more. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned chef, this article, infused with Freddy Hirsch's expertise, will guide you through the art of creating a delicious gammon glaze that will undoubtedly impress your guests. Mastering the art of gammon glaze is simpler than you think, thanks to the expertise of Freddy Hirsch.

How to Make a Gammon Glaze: Roast Gammon Honey and Mustard

Making a gammon glaze is as easy as pie! To prepare a delicious gammon dish, begin with a 2-kg boneless gammon joint. In a pot, combine the gammon with 2 teaspoons of chicken stock and enough water to cover the meat. Add 4 cloves of sliced garlic, a 30 g piece of fresh ginger (quartered), 6 black peppercorns, three sprigs of fresh thyme, and chunks of three washed carrots. Allow the ingredients to simmer to perfection.


For the glaze, you'll need 45 ml of honey, 20 ml of mustard, 15 ml of soy sauce, 15 g of very finely grated fresh ginger, and the juice of ½ orange. The honey adds a delightful sweetness, while the mustard gives it a zesty kick. Stir the ingredients together until they form a smooth, velvety glaze.


To enhance the gammon's flavour, consider marinating the joint in the glaze for at least 30 minutes before cooking. This extra step allows the rich combination of honey, mustard, and soy sauce to infuse the meat, creating a mouthwatering depth of taste that will leave your guests craving more.


Next, prepare the gammon for roasting by peeling back and removing the skin. Using a sharp knife, score the flesh in diamond cuts to allow the glaze to seep in. Brush the glaze generously over the gammon, ensuring it's well coated, and stud the surface with the remaining cloves.


Preheat your oven to 200°C and place the prepared gammon inside. During cooking, baste the gammon a couple of times with the glaze that drips into the roasting tray. Watch as the glaze caramelises, creating a golden, irresistible crust on the outside. Once the glaze has reached its perfect caramelised state, remove the gammon from the oven, slice it with anticipation, and serve. Each mouthful is a symphony of flavours, a perfect balance of sweetness, tanginess, and warmth, making this dish an unforgettable delight for your taste buds. Enjoy your roast gammon glaze, honey, and mustard—a culinary masterpiece that will impress any guest at your table.

Easy Gammon Glaze: No Fuss, All Flavour

The beauty of this simple gammon glaze recipe lies in its simplicity. It's easy, quick, and incredibly delicious—perfect for those busy days when you want to impress without the stress. Its ease of execution makes it a perfect solution for busy days when time is of the essence, allowing you to create a delectable dish that oozes with richness and taste without giving in to the stress of complicated cooking methods. The charm of this easy gammon glaze recipe is in its ability to transform a seemingly ordinary gammon into a gourmet delight, making every bite a delightful experience for your taste buds. So, embrace the simplicity, enjoy the flavours, and enjoy the culinary journey with this hassle-free yet incredibly delicious gammon glaze—the epitome of effortless gourmet perfection. For high-quality, pure spices to enhance your gammon glaze, visit Freddy Hirsch's online store.

How Long to Cook Gammon: Patience is Key

For a 2 kg gammon, follow these precise steps to ensure a delectably cooked joint. Begin by allowing the gammon to cook in the oven for 1 hour and 25 minutes, all the while preheating the oven to a temperature of 200°C. This duration is crucial for the glaze to work its magic, infusing the meat with its irresistible flavour.

Once the initial cooking time has elapsed, take your culinary journey a step further. Extend the roasting period for an additional 25 minutes. This final stint in the oven is designed to impart a delightful combination of stickiness and crispiness around the edges of the gammon. The result is a perfectly balanced texture that enhances the overall appeal of your dish.


Mastering the art of gammon glaze is simpler than you think, thanks to the expertise of Freddy Hirsch. With just a few basic ingredients and a touch of creativity, you can create a dish that will leave a lasting impression on your guests. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or preparing a special family meal, this simple gammon glaze recipe from Freddy Hirsch is your ticket to culinary success. Ready to impress your guests with this mouth-watering gammon glaze? Don't forget to share your culinary creations with us; we'd love to see how your gammon turns out! If you found this blog post helpful, why not share it with your friends and family? Happy cooking!